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Board report: School canceled Nov. 5 Election Day; 2025-26 Superintendent info

Posted Date: 10/14/24 (6:30 PM)

Board Report
Recap of the October Kuna School Board regular monthy meeting
Group of men and women who serve on the kuna school board
October highlights
The Kuna school board met on Tuesday, Oct. 8, 2024.

📖 Read the agenda 

Here are the highlights with more details in the meeting recap below:

➡️ School canceled for Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 5  
➡️ Superintendent Bekkedahl to lead district in 2025-26 
➡️ Annual audit shows no issues in district’s financials for 2023-24
➡️ District moves forward with new land lab for agriculture program
➡️ 10-year facilities plan details more than $400 million in projects 
➡️ Board accepts recommendation to keep book in high school library's restricted section
➡️ Other reports and actions:
  • Superintendent report
  • Nov. 5 Supplemental Levy Committee
  • Vape Sensors to be installed in high schools
  • Celebrations
  • Policy decisions
  • Consent agenda 
➡️ Next meeting Nov. 12
School canceled for Election Day Tuesday, Nov. 5
Trustees voted to cancel school on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 5. The decision was based on safety as some of our schools are polling places, and with the Presidential Election taking place, larger than usual numbers of voters are expected. West Ada and Boise also canceled school on Election Day.

Superintendent Bekkedahl to lead district in 2025-26
Superintendent Kim Bekkedahl
Trustees approved having Superintendent Kim Bekkedahl continue to lead the district next school year. Trustees heard from its consultant from the Idaho School Board Association that the superintendent search process can be updated with the new timeline. ISBA provided results from recent community and staff surveys. 
Annual audit shows no issues in district’s financials for 2023-24
Dan Coleman, Quest CPAs, reviewed highlights from the annual audit of the prior school year financials, noting that “everything was good.” He said the state is asking auditors to review all school district's staffing and attendance reporting and no anomalies were found in Kuna’s processes.
District moves forward with new land lab for agriculture program
artist rendering of a agriculture building with animal stalls
The district received a more than $940,000 grant from the state of Idaho to build a new agriculture land lab with classroom spaces, livestock stalls and other spaces. The lab would be built on slightly more than 5 acres of a 100-acre section of land on East Kuna Road, which was donated by Wilma and LaVar Thornton in 2016.  

The district also would partner with the City of Kuna to use a portion of the land for a pump station in exchange for reduced permitting fees. 

Trustees approved moving forward with the partnership with the City of Kuna with the final agreement brought back to the Board for approval. 

10-year facilities plan details more than $440 million in projects
Assistant Superintendent Brian Graves reviewed the district’s 10-year facility plan developed with LKV Architects for submission to the State Department of Education. The plan details more than $440 million in critical maintenance needs and new construction in the coming decade. KSD expects to receive more than $20 million from the state to help with these costs. 

Board approves proposal for high school premium meals
A new premium meal option will be added for high school students. The cost of these meals is $5 full price. Reduced-price and free premium meals are available for those who qualify.

Board accepts recommendation to keep book in high school library's restricted section
Curriculum Instruction and Assessment Director Kevin Gifford shared the recommendation from a committee’s review of a complaint requesting the book The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison be removed from the Kuna High School library. The book is currently in a restricted section of the library, which requires parent permission for students to access the material. After information was shared by the complainant and the committee, trustees accepted the committee’s unanimous recommendation to keep the book in the restricted section.  

Other reports & actions
Superintendent report
Superintendent Kim Bekkedahl reported on:
  • Youth Fentanyl Summit for middle school students
  • City of Kuna grant for secondary school lobby displays
  • Emergency Levy supports for schools
  • Introduction of the district’s new Chief Financial Officer, Brad Steadman

Nov. 5 Supplemental Levy Committee
Assistant Superintendent Jason Reddy, Trustees Kyrsti Bruce, and Michael Thornton shared that the community levy committee met earlier in the month and continues to share information.

Idaho Disclosure: The estimated average annual cost to the taxpayer on the proposed levy is a tax of $65.48 per $100,000 of taxable assessed value, per year, based on current conditions.

Vape Sensors to be installed in high schools
The district received a grant to install vape sensors in the high schools. The devices are expected to be installed over spring break.
Board discusses state policy items
In November, school board members from across Idaho will meet and consider and vote on resolutions for the Idaho School Board Association (ISBA) to advocate for with the Legislature and state decision makers. Trustees discussed the proposals, which include a wide range of topics such as safety, funding, local control etc. Chair Kim Nixon will cast votes on behalf of the board at the November convention. 

📺 Watch this part of the meeting.
Policy decisions
About the process
Most policies are reviewed by the district's policy committee comprised of staff, parents, and two school board members before being considered by the board.

The board adopts new, amends existing, and removes policies through a series of "readings."

  • The first reading is typically the start of the process and can include discussions about changes.
  • The second reading allows for changes to be reviewed and/or additional changes to be made.
  • The third reading is typically the final step.

The public may provide feedback at every reading.
Second reading
Third reading - final step
The board approved 570 - Athletic Fees
Consent agenda
Consent agenda
About our trustees
The Kuna School District is governed by an elected board of trustees, with each trustee representing a specific geographic area of the district, known as a Zone.

Each year, the trustees elect a chairman and vice chairman to lead the board.

In addition to board meetings, trustees may also serve on district committees.

Below is information about each trustee and link to a message for the month, if they choose to write one.

Don't know who’s your elected trustee? Look up which trustee serves your address here.
Kim Nixon
Board Chair
Zone 4 Trustee Kim Nixon
Term Ends: December 2025
Committees: Strategic Planning Committee, Kuna Education Foundation

JD Grant
Board Vice Chairman
Zone 2 Trustee JD Grant
Term Ends: December 2027
Committees: Safety Committee, Kuna Partnership for Kids
Hillary Lowe
Zone 1 Trustee Hillary Lowe
Term Ends: December 2027
Committees: Policy Advisory Committee
Kyrsti Bruce
Zone 3 Trustee Kyrsti Bruce
Term Ends: December 2025
Committees: Calendar Committee, Policy Advisory Committee, Capital Plan/Supplemental Levy
Michael Thornton
Zone 5 Trustee Michael Thornton
Term Ends: December 2027
Committees: Negotiations, Capital Plan/Supplemental Levy